Saturday, March 20, 2010

I'm here! Send me a message!

1 comment:

  1. Well well well, the crime reviewer is a gran-dad! :) Hello, sir, what pleasant circustances to make your acquaintance under! Congratulations on your grand-bub.

    I was wondering if you wouldn't mind casting your mind back to 1976 technology and your interview with the Video WEST team for the Times. :) You said on 1 Jun 1976: "WEST stands for Wales, Edwards, Songer Telesystems; an earlier version spelled out SEWERS and was rejected."

    Did you ever follow up on this team of industry revolutionaries? I'm doing background for a review of their

    I'll try to contact you some other way as well; in the meantime you might want to chat about this by email -

    Kind Regards,

    Lizziebeth-1, IMDb
    Sydney, Australia
